Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Al Qaeda Planning to Attack National Forests?

Source: Will Tell
Will Tell
Denver, CO  

Wednesday May 2, 2012 10:00PM (MST)
TAGS: Al Qaeda, Obama, Inspire Magazine, Drone Strikes, National Security, War on Terror

"Inspire" is the English version of "Al Qaeda" magazine. The two founders were killed with a drone strike [recently under Obama's orders] but according to ABC the magazine lives on;
Source: ABC News
"...but 'Inspire' magazine lives on without them -- and continues to promote Jihadi attacks on Western targets, offering detailed advice on how to start forest fires in America with timed explosives and how to build remote controlled bombs." [Attribution] 

Don't worry brave Americans because as Obama and many head democrats have stated... the War on Terror is over.  Apparently "Inspire" magazine is for recreational reading. The Obama administration has moved on even if the enemy has not. That is the part anyone reading this should understand. Its beneficial for Obama to say the war is over for political reasons just as its beneficial for Al Qaeda to continue its was against us for political, religious, and financial reasons. The extremists have not "swept it under the rug" as the Obama Administration has but OUR national security depends on it. 

The danger is real no matter how much this administration explains it away. Brought to you by; 

-Will Tell
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