Thursday, May 31, 2012

NBC and the Second Amendment

Author: Will Tell
Date: May 31, 2012
Word Count: 1,481
Tags: NBC, Michael Gatner, Gun Control, Constitution, NRA-ILA, Dateline, Assault Weapons, Katie Couric, Charlton Heston, Jeff Zucker, Bob Wright, Remington Firearms, Brian Williams, Model 870, Model 1100, Shotgun
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We all know there is bias in the media, there are too many variables in the new production process for it not to exist, but when media bias turns to outright lies and misrepresentations by a major news network the public must be alerted. In the last segment I demonstrated NBC’s disdain for religion and religious freedom in America, freedoms covered under the First Amendment; with this piece I look at NBC’s view of the Second Amendment, and the direction of the news giant’s bias on the issue. The study begins two decades back in 1992 with a public statement about gun control by then president of NBC News Michael Gatner, fast forward twelve years to 2000 and the network [with the help of Katie Couric] continued steering the public’s opinion of gun rights in this country, and within the last two years I examine NBC’s has effort to forever change the relationship between the Federal Government and firearms manufacturers. Though actions speak louder than words, many times it is important to check what people and groups say about issues critical to the nation, and that examination opens the door to Michael Gatner.
March 1992 the publication “Advertising Age” exposed exactly how the president of NBC News felt about the Second Amendment;
NBC Pres. Michael Gartner says that America’s high murder rate – 25,000 in 1991 – could be drastically reduced by banning handguns. This could only be effected by changing the second amendment to the Constitution. Gartner concedes that the Constitution is not something to be trifled with, but he insists that the plague of handgun deaths – 60 each day – is one of those rare cases that merits such a change. (Bernstein)
To make such a statement as President of News for a media giant like NBC is very bold. His view is
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 undoubtedly applauded by certain crowds and cursed by others. A network expressing such views could forever turn away potential viewers and damage the credibility of the network because of biased and manufactured reporting. That is exactly the path NBC News took during the “Gatner Era” as the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action web stie shows;
In 1992, NBC was caught detonating rigged explosives in GM pickup trucks, for a Dateline NBC piece purporting to show that the trucks would explode in crashes. NBC News’ president, Michael Gartner, who earlier in the year had said, “There is no reason for anyone in this country, except a police officer or a military person, to buy, to own, to have, to use a handgun. . . .[T]he only way to control handgun use in this country is to prohibit the guns. And the only way to do that is to change the Constitution,” was forced to resign after the pickup truck hoax, but insisted that during his tenure with NBC, its news reporting had been “first-rate, fair, clear, thorough and accurate.”  (I.L.A)
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The network’s attitude on gun rights endured despite the despicable departure of the vehemently anti-gun Michael Gatner. In 1993, NBC stumbled through several anti-assault weapon reports [strategically aired prior to a legislative decision on assault weapons] and again plastered mistruths across the airwaves for the American public to digest. Later NBC admitted “mistakes” in their reporting on assault weapons but then aired two more reports on “machine guns” loaded with mistruths and skewed statistics prior to the legislative decision to ban assault weapons. As time progressed NBC continued to air skewed statistics, misrepresented facts, and radical commentary all aimed to discredit the Second Amendment.
In the year 1998 another big attack came out of NBC via Katie Couric. The following transcript is from an interview with Charlton Heston [President of the NRA] and Couric;
Couric: “Getting back to kids and guns, if you will indulge me for a moment. You cannot think of any other position the NRA could take in terms of trying to decrease the number of school shootings? You feel like this is not your bailiwick, this is not your problem?”
Heston: “Not at all. As I told you the NRA spends more money, more time…”
Couric [cutting him off]: “Other than education?” [Heston had previously stated the tremendous amounts of money and time the NRA had invested in firearms education many times to be stifled from leftist groups regularly]
Heston: “Well what would you suppose? What would you suggest?”
Couric: “I don’t know, perhaps greater restrictions.” (Graham)
Couric, who is also an avid opponent of gun rights in this country, continued her tirade against the Second Amendment using her position with NBC to further a cause. In 2000 Jeff Zucker replaced Bob Wright as president of NBC Entertainment and the change at the top had the potential to stop NBC’s multiple decade assault on the Second Amendment of the Constitution.  Did it change anything? Of course not. Instead in recent years NBC has changed its mission of a Constitutional ratification to Federal regulation of the firearms industry. As of now the Feds must keep their hands off of firearms manufacture and there is a reason for that.
According to the on April 07, 2011;
NBC continues to attack Remington and the firearms industry through sensational and factually inaccurate reporting.  On April 11, 2012, Brian Williams again demonstrated NBC’s anti-gun agenda with the claim that the Model 870, Model 1100 and other Remington firearms have a design flaw.  That claim is demonstrably false and Remington stands fully behind the safety and reliability of the most popular shotguns in the world.
It wasn’t enough for NBC to attack over 20 million Remington firearms; they also called the Second Amendment into question by suggesting that there is a need for increased government regulation of firearms.
Model 870 and 1100 owners know the truth – these shotguns are used extensively under the most demanding conditions.  Tens of billions of rounds have been fired through these firearms, which are valued for their performance and durability by millions of hunters, shooters, law enforcement and military personnel who have relied on Remington.
As the basis for its attacks, NBC continues to rely upon paid “experts” who have been repeatedly hired by plaintiff’s attorneys to testify against Remington and at least 16 other firearms manufacturers.  The facts show that the Model 870 and 1100 are two of the most reliable shotguns ever produced – only one lawsuit has been filed in the last seven years and no litigation is pending against the trigger mechanisms of these firearms.
Deceptively editing and ignoring readily available documents and video evidence to drive NBC’s agenda is an all too familiar tactic.  Remington stands by the reliability and safety of its firearms and will fully respond to NBC’s attempt to disparage these iconic American products. (Arms)
Following the network’s history over twenty years to modern-day a disturbing pattern occurs. For quite some time NBC’s assault on the second amendment was contained to influencing public opinion of gun rights in this country. Reports based more on shock value than actual fact were rampant with the network but in 1993 NBC decided to play “grown up” politics. The network attempted to, if not completely, influenced a legislative session of congress concerning the assault weapons ban. In present day, and true to form, NBC put out a second “hit piece” on the iconic Remington Firearms as the manufacturer is focused on protecting the company and its reputation because of the first falsified NBC attack on Remington by NBC months before. The latest NBC attack had a different “feel” to it and that was because it was focused on the Federal government’s involvement in regulating the firearms industry.
To some it may be a surprise that the firearms industry is not regulated by the Federal government considering every other aspect of a civilian’s life is regulated from the moment they open their eyes to the time they fall asleep. The citizen’s toothpaste, breakfast, and transportation is all regulated by several different government agencies and the breakdown of all the regulations and government agencies affecting one’s life daily would go on for pages. The American firearms industry polices itself and American made firearms are some of the best in the world.
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If the government maneuvered its way into a position to regulate the firearms industry, it would eventually regulate the industry out of existence, no need to fiddle with the Second Amendment. NBC has shown they are an enemy of the Second Amendment and have been so for over twenty years. That makes two for two, NBC failed the test on the First and Second Amendments to the United States constitution, and they have not just shown media bias… NBC has actively attempted to influence gun control legislation with great vigor. Next I examine a less known Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Third Amendment, how will NBC do this time?

Until next post,

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